RIGSS Podcast | Episode 8
Expanding Possibilities with Technology
-Ujjwal Deep Dahal
Mr. Ujjwal Deep Dahal is the Director of the InnoTech Department at Druk Holding and Investment. Mr. Ujjwal has an Electrical Engineering Masters from UNB Canada and Technology Policy Management from MIT. His professional interests lie in efficient energy programs, smart and green cities, technology policy and planning, and system automation.
Technology has presented a completely new evolution whereby we live in an era that surpasses our imagination every day with its limitless potential to revolutionize the economy, health, education, communication among many others.
Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly elicited the potential that technology holds for the future and made it acutely necessary for the world to embrace it, or risks being left behind.
In Bhutan, His Majesty has been a staunch believer in leveraging emerging technologies that hold a great deal of promise to achieve our national objectives, and therefore, has also been an impelling force to build and nurture a coherent environment to foster the same. With such profound blessings bestowed, we must work towards making our institutions smart, dynamic and efficient to promote a vibrant nation driven by technology as envisioned by His Majesty The King.